Sunday, May 25, 2008

The meeting at Monty went well today, we made revisions to the rules(that we made during testing last night) and then tested the game again with several other non group members.

Then we made more revisions to the rules

Everyone made it to todays session.

The game will be printed tonight.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Last Post

The game got finished in a good amount of time. We play tested it one last time last night with a new group of people to see if there were any major flaws before finalizing the rules. Other than the possibility of the parking garage being eliminated from the board, there wasn't anything new that we hadn't taken care of already. We split up the work evenly, with everyone working on the game board, pieces and the rule set. There is another blog up for the game and can be viewed at:


John be sure to mention both blogs.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


The board is finished. I will bring a few people for testing purposes. (4:00pm)
Game tested. rule book set up....
I have submitted my changes to john (now)
John: call me if there are any problems. If you want to you can print the rule book on the laser


Yesterday we got together and had someone else playtest our game to make sure it was functional for the average user. A couple of criticisms were as follows:

-the game should only have one clear winner, and once one person gets to the terminals then the game is over (no second or third place)

-there is more to the blocking system than we had thought: a lot of strategy is involved in that single, simply mechanic

What we've changed:
-the board is now smaller so that the game doesn't drag on so long

-there is only one terminal so there is only one clear winner

-we had a move back seven spaces card but revised it to five spaces to account for the decreased spaces

As a group we pretty much completed the aesthetic of the board and will be play testing the game again -- for the final time before it is ready -- later today.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

First Post

Our game is based on the aesthetic theme of frustration. For this topic, we've decided to base a board game around a race to the finish paradigm where each player represents a hasty traveler who is almost late for a flight.

Here is an update of what we've been doing for the game this weekend:

-Playtested the alpha board with 50 cards
-Cards are as follows: move or obstruct, move or hinder, and combo cards that would allow for move and obstruct or move and hinder
-Hinder spaces are determined by half the number which is on the card rounded DOWN
-We are still debating whether or not to the leave the shortcut exit on the game board

-Playtested the game from 3-5:30 PM with a beta board
-The cards were revised to include 2 separate actions per turn, as follows: move and obstruct(anywhere), move and hinder someone else
-The obstruction barriers placed on the boards are now allowed to block the flow of traffic, although a player must stop on a barrier once landing upon. They are out until the next turn
-The exit ramp was decided as balanced and left on the board
-Newly added god cards were added to emphasize the spontaneity of the game and are as follows: switch (first and last players change spaces), move back seven spaces (for all players)

More work needs to be done about polishing the card system and obstructions built into the game board. For now, the game seems to be nearing it's intended aesthetic of frustration, while not being too frustrating for the players to stop playing altogether. There is a sense of competition and opponent's turns directly affect the player in question; everyone cares about each other's turn.